It is estimated that the average adult makes about 35,000 remotely conscious decisions each day. As thoughtful as this may be, it is more instructive to consider how many of these thousands of decisions hold eternal value. The choice of who to live for and serve is one such decision with eternal significance. Just like most decisions, this choice is also a matter of one's free will. In other words, every individual possesses the privilege to choose who to live for and who/what to serve. However, the Bible tells us about a renowned leader and wise father called Joshua. During his crucial decision time, he stood out among the many unstable children of Israel and declared his stand, saying, "...but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD" (Joshua 24:15). Who are you serving? Who will you serve? Broadly speaking, there are three entities any person can serve: 1. Serving sin and Satan; 2. Serving self and the world; 3. Serving the Lord God. Where do you stand? Hear t...
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