Diploma In Human Resources Management|| Free Online Learning -Alison This course covers the role of a human resource (HR) manager in depth. We begin by defining the eight core roles of human resources management (HRM) to establish the importance of a strategic HRM plan. We also review the key stages of the recruitment process and compare various recruitment strategies. We examine the selection process and compare different testing and selection methods. 424,460 Learners already enrolled! T he course then focuses on the instrumental role that training and development plays in the performance, motivation and retention of employees. We discuss the importance of performance appraisals and explain how HR professionals can manage poor employee performance. The course also illustrates how organizational cultures and strategies can affect ‘change processes’ within large and small institutions. We then go through the professional processes and procedures for terminating the employment of staff ...
A conglomerate of interesting and enlighten articles for your Spirit, Soul and Body enhancement and nourishment. Christian Life Platform, Health-Education focus Center and Business Corner. Learn, Enjoy and be Blessed.