WEEK 1 SUBJECT: BIOLOGY CLASS: SS2 TOPIC: CLASSIFICATION OF PLANTS Plants are generally classified based on three (3) major criteria. These are: 1. Botanical Classification 2. Agricultural Classification 3. Classification Based on Life cycle {Let’s discuss each way of plants classification} 1: Botanical Classification Plants can be generally classified through the Botanical method and the use of binomial system (-a way of giving two names to an organism). Botanical classification is a technique used in classifying plants according to their groups in the kingdom plantae. Kindom plantae is divided into five (5) groups, namely: A. Schizophyta (Bacteria). B. Thallophyta (The algae and Fungi). C. Bryophyta (The Liverworts and Mosses). D. Pteridophyta (The Ferns). E. Spermatophyta (These are the seed-bearing plants) spermatophyte consists of gymnosperms (Non-flowering plants) and the angiosperms (Flowering plants). {We consider the features of each of the Groups quickly} A. ...
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